Established in 1978, Force Marine is Hawaii’s premier commercial fishing boat manufacturer. Having manufactured over 800 custom boats, Force Marine dominates the fishing industry with boats throughout the Hawaiian Islands. As the largest builder of custom fishing boats in the Pacific Basin, many of our fishing boats have left Hawaiian waters to fish in the Pacific Northwest, Guam, Saipan, and the Marshall Islands.
With nearly 40 years of experience, Force Marine has constructed a range of boats, from small personal fishing boats to large commercial catamarans. Each boat was designed specifically for the conditions of Hawaii's ocean environment, constructed by an all hand lay-up, using high-quality materials, and customized to meet each customer's individual needs. After design and prototyping, we build all of our own molds. The design parameters which have always set Force boats apart from other boat manufacturers are: sea worthiness, fuel efficiency, payload capacity, a stable working platform, and eye appealing lines.
Commercial applications for Force boats run from hand line, to bottom, to diving, to trolling, and we comprise about 60% of the Big Island's Ika Shibi fleet. Commercial operators of Dive, Sportfishing, and sight-seeing charters have found the performance, efficiency and durability of Force Marine built boats to be a key to success.
Force Marine has also built several boats custom designed for specialty services on all major islands. Examples include organizations such as, Hawaii government agencies, the state marine police, county fire and rescue, DLNR enforcement and research, and Department of Education Marine Science Programs.